Darleen Cioffi-Ragan

Sr. Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics-Neonatology


  • "Little effect of gestation at 3100 m on fetal fat accretion or the fetal circulation" in its current form for publication in American Journal of Human Biology.
  • Possible role for AMPK?1 [PRKAA1] in Andean high-altitude adaptation and protection from hypoxia-associated fetal growth restriction
  • High End-Aneriolar Resistance Limits Uterine Artery Blood Flow and Restricts Ftela Growrt In Preeclampsia And Gestational Hypertension At High Altitude
  • Association Between First Trimester Placental Volume, Uterine Artery Index, PAPP-A and Total B-hCG and Birth Weight in a Low Risk Population
  • Altitutude Effects on Fetal Subcutaneous and Lean Tissues and on Fetal Circulation