Brega AG, Goodrich GK, Bennett RE, Hessl D, Engle K, Leehey MA, Bounds LS, Paulich MJ, Hagerman RJ, Hagerman PJ, Cogswell JB, Tassone F, Reynolds A, Kooken R, Kenny M, & Grigsby J (2008). The Primary Cognitive Deficit among Males with Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a Dysexecutive Syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. Published online February 15, 2008.
Grigsby J, Brega AG, Engle K, Leehey MA, Hagerman RJ, Tassone F, Hessl D, Hagerman PJ, Cogswell JB, Bennett RE, Cook K, Hall DA, Bounds LS, Paulich MJ, & Reynolds A (2008). Cognitive Profile of Fragile X Premutation Carriers with and without Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome. Neuropsychology, 22, 48-60.
Brega AG, Goodrich GK, Hittle DF, & Conway KS. Empirical Review and Validation of Refined Pressure Ulcer Quality Measures. Aurora, CO: Division of Health Care Policy and Research. February 2008.
Brega A, Crisler KS, Baillie LL, Richard A, Walker P, with Conway K, Engle K, Goodrich G, Lawlor K, Liebrecht D, McNulty M, & May K. New York State Outcome-Based Quality Improvement Demonstration: Phase 4 Final Report (Volumes 1-2). Aurora, CO: Center for Health Services Research. January 2008.
Grigsby J, Brega AG, Hamman RF, Baxter J (April 2008). Diabetes, cognition, and health services use among older adults: Findings from the San Luis Valley Health and Aging Study (SLVHAS). Poster presented at the Clinical Health Psychology Conference at the University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO.
Grigsby, J., Brega, A., Bennett, R., Leehey, M., Bounds, L., Paulich, M., Rice, C. (January 2007). Executive Cognitive Impairment Among Males with Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS). Poster presented at the Hartford/Jahnigen Center of Excellence in Geriatrics Research Forum, Denver, CO.
Brega, A. & Grigsby, G. (January 2007). Cognitive Functioning in Male Carriers of the Fragile X Premutation. Poster presented at the Hartford/Jahnigen Center of Excellence in Geriatrics Research Forum, Denver, CO.
Grigsby W, Brega AG, Bennett RE, DeVore PA, Paulich MJ, Talkington SG, Floersch NR, Barton PL, Neal S, Araya TM, Loker JL, Krohn N, & Grigsby J (2007). The Slow Pace of Interactive Video Telemedicine Adoption: The Perspective of Telemedicine Program Administrators on Physician participation. Telemedicine and e-Health, 13(6), 645-656.
Barton PL, Brega AG, DeVore PA, Mueller K, Paulich MJ, Floersch NR, Goodrich GK, Talkington SG, Bontrager J, Grigsby B, Hrincevich C, Neal S, Loker JL, Araya TM, Bennett RE, & Grigsby J (2007). Specialist Physicians’ Knowledge and Beliefs about Telemedicine: A Comparison of Users and Non-Users of the Technology. Telemedicine and e-Health, 13(5), 487-499.
Brega AG & Goodrich GK. Addendum to the Limited Clinical Review of Publicly Reported Nursing Home Quality Measures. Aurora, CO: Division of Health Care Policy and Research. July 2007.
Brega AG, Hittle DF, Goodrich GK, Kramer AM, Conway KS, & Levy CR. Empirical Review of Publicly Reported Nursing Home Quality Measures. Aurora, CO: Division of Health Care Policy and Research. August 2007.
Grigsby, J., Brega, A. G., Leehey, M. A., Goodrich, G. K., Jacquemont, S., Loesch, D. Z., Cogswell, J. B., Epstein, J., Wilson, R., Jardini, T., Gould, E., Bennett, R. E., Hessl, D., Cohen, S., Cook, K., Tassone, F., Hagerman, P. J., & Hagerman, R. J. (2006). Impairment of executive cognitive functioning in males with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). Movement Disorders, published online 31 January 2007.
Angela G. Brega, Cari R. Levy, Andrew M. Kramer, Theresa B. Eilertsen, David F. Hittle and Glenn K. Goodrich. Limited Clinical Review of Publicly Reported Nursing Home Quality Measures. Aurora, CO: Division of Health Care Policy and Research. March 2007.
Grigsby, J., Brega, A., Bennett, R. E., Paulich, M., Leehey, M., Rice, C., Hall, D., Cogswell, J., Hagerman, R., Bounds, L., Tassone, F., Cohen, S., Hagerman, P., Kooken, R., & Kenny, M. (July 2006) Cognitive deficits in fragile x tremor-ataxia syndrome. National Fragile X Foundation, 10th International Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Brega, A. G. (2006). Pain Management Outcomes Among Elderly Recipients of Home Health Care Services.
Brega, A. G. & Grigsby, J. (2005). Colorado Fragile X Consortium: Research, Treatment, Education.
Grigsby, J., Brega, A., Bennett, R. E., Paulich, M., Leehey, M., Rice, C., Hall, D., Cogswell, J., Hagerman, R., Bounds, L., Tassone, F., Cohen, S., Hagerman, P., Kooken, R., & Kenny, M. (2005). Cognitive deficits in fragile x tremor-ataxia syndrome. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Program No. 82.8 online.
Grigsby, J., Bennett, R., Brega, A., Bounds, L., Cogswell, J., Greco, C., Hagerman, P., Hagerman, R., Hall, D., Jacquemont, S., Leehey, M., Paulich, M., Rice, C., Rubinstein, D., & Tassone, F. (2005). Fragile X-associated tremor-ataxia syndrome (FXTAS): An X-linked neurodegenerative phenotype. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American College of Medical Genetics Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, A75.
Brega, A. G., Grigsby, J., Leehey, M. A., Goodrich, G. K., Jacquemont, S., Bennett, R. E., Cogswell, J. B., Hagerman, R. J., Loesch, D. Z., Epstein, J., Hagerman, P. J., Wilson, R., Jardini, T., Cohen, S., & Hessl, D. (2006). Disorders of Executive Cognitive Functioning in Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS). In press, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
Grigsby, J., Brega, A. G., Jacquemont, S., Loesch, D. Z., Leehey, M. A., Goodrich, G. K., Hagerman, R. J., Epstein, J., Wilson, R., Cogswell, J. B., Jardini, T., & Hagerman, P. J. (2004). Impairment in the Cognitive Functioning of Men with Fragile X Tremor-Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS). Journal of Neurological Sciences.
Leehey, M. A., Rubinstein, D., Brega, A. G., Hall, D., Tassone, F., Zhang, L., Hagerman, R., Hagerman, P. J., &,Grigsby, J. (2007). Frequency of the MCP sign in FMR1 premutation carriers and FXTAS. In press, Movement Disorders Society Annual Meeting.
Brega AG, Grigsby J, Kooken R, Baxter J, & Hamman RF (2008). Impact of Executive Cognitive Deficits on Smoking Cessation: Findings from the San Luis Valley Health and Aging Study. In press.