My educational research interests are primarily focused on student debt and financial literacy as it affects current students in the health professions. I have recently completed a multi-institutional study as PI on financial literacy in matriculating DPT students. I recently developed a financial education curriculum and am studying the changes in financial literacy following reception of this content in DPT students.
Sawyer EE, Eigsti H, Gorman I, Reinking M, Struessel T. A Financial Literacy Pilot Project: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt?. J Allied Health. 2024 Fall;53(3):196-202. PubMed PMID: 39293006
Sawyer, E. E., Eigsti, H., Gorman, I., Reinking, M., & Struessel, T. (2024). A Financial Literacy Pilot Project: Are
Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt? APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA.
Patel VV, Sawyer EE, Mintken PE, Michener LA, Cofer CL, Lindley EM. Initial Validation of a Sacroiliac Joint-Specific Disability Questionnaire. Orthopedics. In Press. (2023)
Hammerich A, Whitman J, Mintken P, Denninger T, Akuthota V, Sawyer E, Hofmann M, Childs J and Cleland J. Effectiveness of Physical Therapy Combined with Epidural Steroid Injection for Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Randomized Parallel-Group Trial. Archives Phys Med Rehabil. 2019. 100(5):797-810.
Sawyer EE, McDevitt AW, Louw A, Puentedura EJ, Mintken PE. Use of Neuroscience Education, Tactile Discrimination, Limb Laterality and Graded Motor Imagery in an Individual with Frozen Shoulder. JOSPT. 2018; 48(3):174-184.