Roark, C.L., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Casper, T., Sun, D., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L. A canonical Vgamma4Vdelta4+ gamma delta T cell population with distinct stimulation requirements which promotes the Th17 response. Immunol. Res. 55: 217-230, 2013.
Huang, Y., Aydintug, M.K., Loomis, J., Macleod, M.K., McKee, A.S., Kirchenbaum, G., Jakubzick, C.V., Kedl, R.M., Sun, D., Jacobelli, J., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Antigen-specific regulation of IgE antibodies by non-antigen-specific gamma delta T cells. J. Immunol. 190: 913-921, 2013.
Born, W.K., Kemal Aydintug, M., O'Brien, R.L. Diversity of gammadelta T-cell antigens. Cell. Mol. Immunol. 10: 13-20, 2013.
Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H., and Sun, D. Retinoic acid inhibits experimental autoimmune uveitis via inhibiting CD25+ dendritic cell expansion and gamma delta T cell activation. Invest. Ophthalm. Vis. Sci., submitted.
O’Brien, R.L., Chain, J.L., Aydintug, M.K., Bohrer-Kunter, D., Huang, Y., Hardy, I.R., Cambier, J.C., Lahmers, K., Nuhsbaum, T., Davidson, R., Sun, D., Born, W.K. aßTCR+ T cells, but not B cells, promote autoimmune keratitis in B10 mice lacking ?d T cells. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 53: 301-308, 2012.
Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Role of CD25+ dendritic cells in the generation of Th17 autoreactive T cells in autoimmune experimental uveitis (EAU). J. Immunol., in press, 2012.
Roark, C.L., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Casper, T., Sun, D., Born, W.K., O’Brien, R.L. A canonical V?4Vd4+ ?d T cell population with distinct stimulation requirements which promotes the Th17 response. Immunol. Res. submitted, 2012.
Huang, Y., Aydintug, M.K., McLeod, M.K., McKee, A.S., Kirchenbaum, G., Jacubzick, C.V., Kedl, R.M., Sun, D., O'Brien, R.L., and Born, W.K. Adopted antigen-specificity of IgE-regulatory gamma/delta T cells. Submitted, 2012.
O'Brien, R.L., Simonian, P.L., Huang, Y., Roark, C.L., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Chain, J.L., Fontenot, A.P., Born, W.K. IL-17-producing ?d T cells in autoimmune disease. In: Th17 Cells in Health and Disease. New York: Springer; 2011. pp. 513-524.
Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Role of CD25+ dendritic cells in the generation of Th17 autoreactive T cells in autoimmune experimental uveitis (EAU). J. Immunol. 188: 5785-5791, 2012.
Nian, H., Shao, H., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Activated gamma/delta T cells promote the activation of uveitogenic T cells and exacerbate EAU development. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. in press, 2011.
O'Brien, R.L., Simonian, P.L., Huang, Y., Roark, C.L., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Chain, J.L., Fontenot, A.P., and Born, W.K. IL-17-producing gamma/delta T cells in autoimmune disease. In: Th17 Cells in Health and Disease, Springer, New York, New York, in press, April 2011.
Do, J.S., Visperas, A., O'Brien, R.L., Min, B. CD4 T cells play important roles in maintaining IL-17-producing ?d T-cell subsets in naive animals. Immunol. Cell. Biol. 1-8, 2011.
Nian, H., Shao, H., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Kaplan, H.J., and Sun, D. Activated ?d T cells promote the activation of uveitogenic T cells and exacerbate EAU development. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52: 5920-5927, 2011.
Welte, T., Aronson, J,. Gong, B., Rachamallu, A., Mendell, N., Tesh, R., Paessler, S., Born, W., O’Brien, R., and Wang, T. V?4+ T cells regulate host immune Rresponse to West Nile Virus infection. FEMS Immunol. & Med. Micro. 63: 183-192, 2011.
Hao, J., Dong, S., Xia, S., He, W., Jia, H., Zhang, S., Wei, J., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Wu, Z., Wang, P., Han, J., Hong, Z., Zhao, L., Yin, Z. Regulatory role of V?1 ?d T cells in tumor immunity through IL-4 production. J. Immunol. 187: 4979-4986, 2011.
Born, W.K., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Huang, H., and O'Brien, R.L. Balanced approach of gamma/delta T cells to type 2 immunity. Immunol. Cell Bio. 88: 269-274, 2010.
O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Gamma/delta T cell subsets: A link between TCR and function? Sem. Immunol. 22: 193-198, 2010.
Bonneville, M., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Gamma/delta T cell effector functions: A blend of innate programming and acquired plasticity. Nature Rev. Immunol. 10: 467-478, 2010.
He, W., Hao, J., Dong, S., Gao, Y., Tao, J., Chi, H., Flavell, R., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Craft, J., Han, J., Wang, P., Zhao, L., Wu, J., Yin, Z. Naturally activated Vgamma4 gamma/delta T cells play a protective role in tumor immunity through expression of eomesodermin. J. Immunol. 185: 126-33, 2010.
Simonian, P.L., Wehmann, F., Roark, C.L., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Fontenot, A.P. Gamma/delta T cells protect against lung fibrosis via IL-22. J. Exp. Med.: 2239- 2253, 2010.