Rebecca O'brien, PhD

Professor, Immunology and Microbiology


  • Roark, C.L., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Casper, T., Sun, D., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L. A canonical Vgamma4Vdelta4+ gamma delta T cell population with distinct stimulation requirements which promotes the Th17 response. Immunol. Res. 55: 217-230, 2013.
  • Huang, Y., Aydintug, M.K., Loomis, J., Macleod, M.K., McKee, A.S., Kirchenbaum, G., Jakubzick, C.V., Kedl, R.M., Sun, D., Jacobelli, J., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Antigen-specific regulation of IgE antibodies by non-antigen-specific gamma delta T cells. J. Immunol. 190: 913-921, 2013.
  • Born, W.K., Kemal Aydintug, M., O'Brien, R.L. Diversity of gammadelta T-cell antigens. Cell. Mol. Immunol. 10: 13-20, 2013.
  • Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H., and Sun, D. Retinoic acid inhibits experimental autoimmune uveitis via inhibiting CD25+ dendritic cell expansion and gamma delta T cell activation. Invest. Ophthalm. Vis. Sci., submitted.
  • O’Brien, R.L., Chain, J.L., Aydintug, M.K., Bohrer-Kunter, D., Huang, Y., Hardy, I.R., Cambier, J.C., Lahmers, K., Nuhsbaum, T., Davidson, R., Sun, D., Born, W.K. aßTCR+ T cells, but not B cells, promote autoimmune keratitis in B10 mice lacking ?d T cells. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 53: 301-308, 2012.
  • Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Role of CD25+ dendritic cells in the generation of Th17 autoreactive T cells in autoimmune experimental uveitis (EAU). J. Immunol., in press, 2012.
  • Roark, C.L., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Casper, T., Sun, D., Born, W.K., O’Brien, R.L. A canonical V?4Vd4+ ?d T cell population with distinct stimulation requirements which promotes the Th17 response. Immunol. Res. submitted, 2012.
  • Huang, Y., Aydintug, M.K., McLeod, M.K., McKee, A.S., Kirchenbaum, G., Jacubzick, C.V., Kedl, R.M., Sun, D., O'Brien, R.L., and Born, W.K. Adopted antigen-specificity of IgE-regulatory gamma/delta T cells. Submitted, 2012.
  • O'Brien, R.L., Simonian, P.L., Huang, Y., Roark, C.L., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Chain, J.L., Fontenot, A.P., Born, W.K. IL-17-producing ?d T cells in autoimmune disease. In: Th17 Cells in Health and Disease. New York: Springer; 2011. pp. 513-524.
  • Liang, D., Zuo, A., Shao, H., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Role of CD25+ dendritic cells in the generation of Th17 autoreactive T cells in autoimmune experimental uveitis (EAU). J. Immunol. 188: 5785-5791, 2012.
  • Nian, H., Shao, H., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Kaplan, H.J., Sun, D. Activated gamma/delta T cells promote the activation of uveitogenic T cells and exacerbate EAU development. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. in press, 2011.
  • O'Brien, R.L., Simonian, P.L., Huang, Y., Roark, C.L., Jin, N., Aydintug, M.K., Chain, J.L., Fontenot, A.P., and Born, W.K. IL-17-producing gamma/delta T cells in autoimmune disease. In: Th17 Cells in Health and Disease, Springer, New York, New York, in press, April 2011.
  • Do, J.S., Visperas, A., O'Brien, R.L., Min, B. CD4 T cells play important roles in maintaining IL-17-producing ?d T-cell subsets in naive animals. Immunol. Cell. Biol. 1-8, 2011.
  • Nian, H., Shao, H., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Kaplan, H.J., and Sun, D. Activated ?d T cells promote the activation of uveitogenic T cells and exacerbate EAU development. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52: 5920-5927, 2011.
  • Welte, T., Aronson, J,. Gong, B., Rachamallu, A., Mendell, N., Tesh, R., Paessler, S., Born, W., O’Brien, R., and Wang, T. V?4+ T cells regulate host immune Rresponse to West Nile Virus infection. FEMS Immunol. & Med. Micro. 63: 183-192, 2011.
  • Hao, J., Dong, S., Xia, S., He, W., Jia, H., Zhang, S., Wei, J., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Wu, Z., Wang, P., Han, J., Hong, Z., Zhao, L., Yin, Z. Regulatory role of V?1 ?d T cells in tumor immunity through IL-4 production. J. Immunol. 187: 4979-4986, 2011.
  • Born, W.K., Huang, Y., Jin, N., Huang, H., and O'Brien, R.L. Balanced approach of gamma/delta T cells to type 2 immunity. Immunol. Cell Bio. 88: 269-274, 2010.
  • O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Gamma/delta T cell subsets: A link between TCR and function? Sem. Immunol. 22: 193-198, 2010.
  • Bonneville, M., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K. Gamma/delta T cell effector functions: A blend of innate programming and acquired plasticity. Nature Rev. Immunol. 10: 467-478, 2010.
  • He, W., Hao, J., Dong, S., Gao, Y., Tao, J., Chi, H., Flavell, R., O'Brien, R.L., Born, W.K., Craft, J., Han, J., Wang, P., Zhao, L., Wu, J., Yin, Z. Naturally activated Vgamma4 gamma/delta T cells play a protective role in tumor immunity through expression of eomesodermin. J. Immunol. 185: 126-33, 2010.
  • Simonian, P.L., Wehmann, F., Roark, C.L., Born, W.K., O'Brien, R.L., Fontenot, A.P. Gamma/delta T cells protect against lung fibrosis via IL-22. J. Exp. Med.: 2239- 2253, 2010.