Jim Barry, MD

Professor, Pediatrics-Neonatology

Medical School
  • MD, Creighton University School of Medicine (1997)
Graduate School
  • MBA, University of Colorado Denver (2023)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Montana State University (MT) (1993)
  • University of Michigan Program (1998)
  • University of Michigan Program, Pediatrics (2000)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (2003)

Professional Titles

  • Medical Director UCH NICU


  • Cum laude , Creighton Medical School (1997)
  • Joseph Butterfield Award in Perinatal Medicine, L. Joseph Butterfield Foundation (2003)
  • NIH Loan Repayment Program Awardee, NIH (2005)
  • Exceptional Partnership in Leadership, University of Colorado (2010)
    Nominated for University of Colorado Hospital President’s Leadership Award
  • Physician of the Year, Colorado Society of Respiratory Care (2011)
    For outstanding contributions toward the advancement of respiratory care.
  • Daniel M Hall Teaching Award, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (2022)
    Recognized by fellows annually as the attending who most exemplifies the professionalism and education provided by Dr. Dan Hall.
  • Extraordinary Service Award, University of Colorado Hospital (2011)
    the medical staff of the University of Colorado Hospital, in recognition of outstanding service and dedication to excellence in patient care


  • Husain A, Knake L, Sullivan B, Barry J, Beam K, Holmes E, Hooven T, McAdams R, Moreira A, Shalish W, Vesoulis Z. AI models in clinical neonatology: a review of modeling approaches and a consensus proposal for standardized reporting of model performance. Pediatr Res. 2024 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39681669
  • Simek KA, Husain AN, Vesoulis ZA, Sullivan BA, Barry JS, McAdams RM, Moreira AG. Surveying current perceptions of artificial intelligence among pediatric healthcare professionals. J Perinatol. 2024 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39191886
  • Shay R, Weikel BW, Mascorro M, Harding E, Beard L, Grover T, Barry JS. Continuous improvement of non-emergent neonatal intubations in a level IV NICU. J Perinatol. 2024 Jul 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39025954
  • Davidson J, Malhotra Y, Shay R, Arunachalam A, Sink D, Barry JS, Meyers J. Building a NICU quality & safety infrastructure. Semin Perinatol. 2024 Apr;48(3):151902. PubMed PMID: 38692996
  • Fairchild KD, Petroni GR, Varhegyi NE, Strand ML, Josephsen JB, Niermeyer S, Barry JS, Warren JB, Rincon M, Fang JL, Thomas SP, Travers CP, Kane AF, Carlo WA, Byrne BJ, Underwood MA, Poulain FR, Law BH, Gorman TE, Leone TA, Bulas DI, Epelman M, Kline-Fath BM, Chisholm CA, Kattwinkel J. Ventilatory Assistance Before Umbilical Cord Clamping in Extremely Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 May 1;7(5):e2411140. PubMed PMID: 38758557
  • Sullivan BA, Beam K, Vesoulis ZA, Aziz KB, Husain AN, Knake LA, Moreira AG, Hooven TA, Weiss EM, Carr NR, El-Ferzli GT, Patel RM, Simek KA, Hernandez AJ, Barry JS, McAdams RM. Transforming neonatal care with artificial intelligence: challenges, ethical consideration, and opportunities. J Perinatol. 2024 Jan;44(1):1-11. PubMed PMID: 38097685
  • Peebles PJ, Jensen EA, Herrick HM, Wildenhain PJ, Rumpel J, Moussa A, Singh N, Abou Mehrem A, Quek BH, Wagner M, Pouppirt NR, Glass KM, Tingay DG, Hodgson KA, O'Shea JE, Sawyer T, Brei BK, Jung P, Unrau J, Kim JH, Barry J, DeMeo S, Johnston LC, Nishisaki A, Foglia EE. Endotracheal Tube Size Adjustments Within Seven Days of Neonatal Intubation. Pediatrics. 2024 Apr 1;153(4). PubMed PMID: 38469643
  • Moreira AG, Husain A, Knake LA, Aziz K, Simek K, Valadie CT, Pandillapalli NR, Trivino V, Barry JS. A clinical informatics approach to bronchopulmonary dysplasia: current barriers and future possibilities. Front Pediatr. 2024;12:1221863. PubMed PMID: 38410770
  • Sullivan BA, Beam K, Vesoulis ZA, Aziz KB, Husain AN, Knake LA, Moreira AG, Hooven TA, Weiss EM, Carr NR, El-Ferzli GT, Patel RM, Simek KA, Hernandez AJ, Barry JS, McAdams RM. Transforming neonatal care with artificial intelligence: challenges, ethical consideration, and opportunities. J Perinatol. 2023 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38097685
  • Peebles PJ, Jensen EA, Herrick HM, Wildenhain PJ, Rumpel J, Moussa A, Singh N, Mehrem AA, Quek BH, Wagner M, Pouppirt NR, Glass KM, Tingay DG, Hodgson KA, O’Shea JE, Sawyer T, Brei BK, Jung P, Unrau J, Kim JH, Barry JS, DeMeo S, Johnston LC, Nishisaki A, Foglia EE. An evidence-based approach to endotracheal tube size selection for neonatal intubation. Pediatrics, accepted for publication October 30, 2023.
  • ) Moreira A, Husain A, Knake L, Aziz K, Simek K, Valadie C, Pandillapalli NR, Trivino L, Barry JS, and Neonatal Machine learning, INnovations, Development, and Artificial Intelligence (NeoMIND-AI) group. A clinical informatic approach to bronchopulmonary dysplasia. SUBMITTED, accepted with minor revision in Frontiers in Pediatrics.
  • PMID:34584197
  • PMID: 35181294
  • PMID: 31365934
  • PMID: 35982243
  • PMID: 35922664
  • PMID: 35931799
  • Brei BK, Sawyer T, Umoren R, Gray MM, Krick J, Foglia EE, Ades A, Glass K, Kim JH, Singh N, Jung P, Johnston L, Moussa A, Napolitano N, Barry J, Zenge J, Quek B, DeMeo SD, Shults J, Unrau J, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A. Associations between family presence and neonatal intubation outcomes: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates: NEAR4NEOS. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2021 Jul;106(4):392-397. PubMed PMID: 33478956
  • Johnston L, Sawyer T, Ades A, Moussa A, Zenge J, Jung P, DeMeo S, Glass K, Singh N, Howlett A, Shults J, Barry J, Brei B, Foglia E, Nishisaki A. Impact of Physician Training Level on Neonatal Tracheal Intubation Success Rates and Adverse Events: A Report from National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates (NEAR4NEOS). Neonatology. 2021;118(4):434-442. PubMed PMID: 34111869
  • Gray MM, Rumpel JA, Brei BK, Krick JA, Sawyer T, Glass K, DeMeo S, Barry J, Ades A, Napolitano N, Johnston L, Moussa A, Jung P, Quek BH, Mehrem AA, Zenge J, Shults J, Nadkarni V, Kim J, Singh N, Tisnic A, Foglia E, Nishisaki A. Associations of Stylet Use during Neonatal Intubation with Intubation Success, Adverse Events, and Severe Desaturation: A Report from NEAR4NEOS. Neonatology. 2021;118(4):470-478. PubMed PMID: 33946064
  • Shay R, Weikel BW, Grover T, Barry JS. Standardizing premedication for non-emergent neonatal tracheal intubations improves compliance and patient outcomes. J Perinatol. 2021 Sep 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34584197
  • Umoren RA, Sawyer TL, Ades A, DeMeo S, Foglia EE, Glass K, Gray MM, Barry J, Johnston L, Jung P, Kim JH, Krick J, Moussa A, Mulvey C, Nadkarni V, Napolitano N, Quek BH, Singh N, Zenge JP, Shults J, Nishisaki A. Team Stress and Adverse Events during Neonatal Tracheal Intubations: A Report from NEAR4NEOS. Am J Perinatol. 2020 Dec;37(14):1417-1424. PubMed PMID: 31365934
  • Foglia EE, Ades A, Sawyer T, Glass KM, Singh N, Jung P, Quek BH, Johnston LC, Barry J, Zenge J, Moussa A, Kim JH, DeMeo SD, Napolitano N, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A. Neonatal Intubation Practice and Outcomes: An International Registry Study. Pediatrics. 2019 Jan;143(1). PubMed PMID: 30538147
  • Barry JS, Baca MD, Parker TF. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Medical Directors in Academic Institutions: Who Are They?. J Pediatr. 2019 May;208:5-7.e1. PubMed PMID: 31027634
  • Sawyer T, Foglia EE, Ades A, Moussa A, Napolitano N, Glass K, Johnston L, Jung P, Singh N, Quek BH, Barry J, Zenge J, DeMeo SD, Brei B, Krick J, Kim JH, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A. Incidence, impact and indicators of difficult intubations in the neonatal intensive care unit: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2019 Sep;104(5):F461-F466. PubMed PMID: 30796059
  • Ozawa Y, Ades A, Foglia EE, DeMeo S, Barry J, Sawyer T, Singh N, Glass K, Jung P, Quek BH, Johnston L, Kim J, Napolitano N, Shults J, Nadkarni VM, Nishisaki A. Premedication with neuromuscular blockade and sedation during neonatal intubation is associated with fewer adverse events. J Perinatol. 2019 Jun;39(6):848-856. PubMed PMID: 30940929
  • Marrs LK, Zenge JP, Barry JS, Wright CJ. Achieving Procedural Competency during Neonatal Fellowship Training: Can Trainees Teach Us How to Teach?. Neonatology. 2019;116(1):17-19. PubMed PMID: 30889581
  • http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2018/12/07/peds.2018-0902
  • Barry JS, Rozance PJ, Brown LD, Anthony RV, Thornburg KL, Hay WW Jr. Increased fetal myocardial sensitivity to insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism during ovine fetal growth restriction. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2016 Apr;241(8):839-47. PubMed PMID: 26873920
  • Mancuso MP, Dziadkowiec O, Kleiner C, Halverson-Carpenter K, Link T, Barry J. Crew Resource Management for Obstetric and Neonatal Teams to Improve Communication During Cesarean Births. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2016 Jul-Aug;45(4):502-14. PubMed PMID: 27290920
  • Ali N, Ades A, Barry JS, Grover TR, Sawyer T. Infant resuscitation practices in the NICU, PICU, and CICU:results of a national survey. Pediatrics, Feb 2016 137 (supplement 3) 449A.
  • Ventre KM, Barry JS, Davis D, Baiamonte VL, Wentworth AC, Pietras M, Coughlin L, Barley G. Using In Situ Simulation to Evaluate Operational Readiness of a Children's Hospital-Based Obstetrics Unit. Simul Healthc. 2014 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24401917
  • Ventre KM, Barry JS, Davis D, Baiamonte VL, Wentworth AC, Pietras M, Coughlin L, Barley G. Using in situ simulation to evaluate operational readiness of a children's hospital-based obstetrics unit. Simul Healthc. 2014 Apr;9(2):102-11. PubMed PMID: 24401917
  • Grover TR, Brozanski BS, Barry J, Zaniletti I, Asselin JM, Durand DJ, Short BL, Pallotto EK, Dykes F, Reber KM, Padula MA, Evans JR, Murthy K. High surgical burden for infants with severe chronic lung disease (sCLD). J Pediatr Surg. 2014 Aug;49(8):1202-5. PubMed PMID: 25092076
  • Sawyer T, French H, Soghier L, Barry JS, Johnston L, Anderson JD, Ades A. Educational Perspectives: Boot camps for Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellows. Neoreviews 2014 15:e46-e55.
  • Ventre KM, Barry JS, Davis D, Baiamonte VL, Wentworth AC, Pietras M, Coughlin L, Barley G. Using in situ simulation to evaluate operational readiness of a children's hospital-based obstetrics unit. Simul Healthc. 2014 Apr;9(2):102-11. PubMed PMID: 24401917
  • Parker TA, Aucott SW, Bendel CM, Dammann CE, Rice WR, Savich RD, Wertheimer FB, Barry JS. The new 6-unit individualized curriculum for pediatric residents: the perspective of neonatology fellowship program directors. J Perinatol. 2013 Dec;33(12):910-3. PubMed PMID: 23970207
  • Haubner LY, Barry JS, Johnston LC, Soghier L, Tatum PM, Kessler D, Downes K, Auerbach M. Neonatal intubation performance: room for improvement in tertiary neonatal intensive care units. Resuscitation. 2013 Oct;84(10):1359-64. PubMed PMID: 23562374
  • Metz TD, Lynch AM, Wolfe P, Barry JS, Galan HL. Effect of small for gestational age on hemodynamic parameters in the neonatal period. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2012 Oct;25(10):2093-7. PubMed PMID: 22475050
  • Barry JS, Gibbs MD, Rosenberg AA. A delivery room-focused education and deliberate practice can improve pediatric resident resuscitation training. J Perinatol. 2012 Dec;32(12):920-6. PubMed PMID: 22460544
  • NA

Professional Memberships

  • Alpha Omega Alpha, Member
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Member
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Section of Perinatology, Member
  • Western Society for Pediatric Resarch, Member
  • Section on Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, member
  • Section on Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, Member Executive Council

Practice Locations

UCHealth - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Anschutz
12605 E. 16th Avenue
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Board Certification (2003)
  • Pediatrics, Board Certification
  • Healthcare Executive Masters in Business Administration, Certificate (2023)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Child and Teen Health - Infant and Toddler Health
  • Pregnancy and Reproduction - Neonatal Intensive Care
  • Pregnancy and Reproduction - Maternal and Fetal Health
  • Child and Teen Health
  • Pregnancy and Reproduction
Clinical Interests
Neonatal and Pediatric Critical Care

Care Philosophy
Using What We Have Better