Burne, B., Melonis, M., Unique service needs: people with special needs. Online and instructor-led training for Connect for Health Colorado, Colorado’s health benefits exchange in compliance with the US Affordable Care Act.
Burne, B., Melonis, M., and Bodine, C., (In Press) The implementation of assistive technology services in two local part C agencies. Journal of Early Intervention, 2012
Burne, B., Melonis, M., (In Press) Documenting AT on the IFSP: A Quick Guide Web-based tool for EI providers in the state of Colorado. www.TechForTykes.org
Burne, B., Melonis, M., Assistive Technology for Young Children: A Parent's Perspective. Video resource available at www.TechForTykes.org.
Perkins, C., Breauz, B., Elfner, S., Melonis, M., Burne, B., & Woodruff, E., Assistive Technology Guidelines for Education, Available at http://www.swaaac.org.
Burne, B., Melonis, M., Technology for Tykes; http://www.TechForTykes.org.
Special Education Research Grants CFDA Number: 84.324A, Institute for Education Sciences.
Promoting Emergent Literacy Outcomes in Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: A Stratified Random
Comparative Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Using Adaptations to Facilitate Developmental Milestone
TECHNOLOGY (CFDA 84.327L): Tech For Tykes (TFT): A Model Demonstration Program Promoting
Young Children with Disabilities Successful Use of Assistive Technology (AT)
Burne, B. & Melonis, M., Assistive Technology Partners Tech for Tykes Program. Presented at The
Coleman Conference on Cognitive Disabilities.
Melonis, M., Annual DeJa Vu Event. The CommunicATor. Assistive Technology Partners
newsletter - Winter edition.
Burne, B., Knafelc, V., Melonis, M., and Heyn, P.: The use and application of assistive technology to promote literacy in early childhood: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. In press.
Melonis, M. & Burne, B.; (2009, January 1). Assistive Technology Access to Communication. [Online] In Tech for Tykes Professional Development Resources. Available online at: http://at-partners.org/ATTrainings/
Burne, B. & Melonis, M.; (2009, January 1). Assistive Technology for Positioning and Mobility. [Online] In Tech for Tykes Professional Development Resources. Available online at: http://at-partners.org/ATTrainings/
Burne, B. & Melonis, M.; (2009, January 1). Assistive Technology for Play and Interaction. [Online] In Tech for Tykes Professional Development Resources. Available online at: http://at-partners.org/ATTrainings/
Melonis, M. & Burne, B.; (2009, January 1). Overview of Assistive Technology for Early Intervention. [Online] In Tech for Tykes Professional Development Resources. Available online at: http://at-partners.org/ATTrainings/
Burne, B. & Melonis, M.; (2011). Assistive technology and Early Intervention. CommunicATor, January, 2011
Burne, B. & Melonis, M.; (2009, January 1). Technical Assistance Brief: Assistive Technology and Early Intervention. Pending online publication.
Melonis, M. & Burne, B. (2010) Instructional Technology for Program Operation. Instructional and Assistive Technology in Early Intervention Academy: An Academy for Developmental Intervention Assistants The Para Center, University of Colorado Denver.
Melonis, M. & Burne, B. (2010) Overview of Assistive Technology Devices and Services. Instructional and Assistive Technology in Early Intervention Academy: An Academy for Developmental Intervention Assistants The Para Center, University of Colorado Denver.
Burne, B. & Melonis, M. (2010)Implementation of AT for Movement. Instructional and Assistive Technology in Early Intervention Academy: An Academy for Developmental Intervention Assistants The Para Center, University of Colorado Denver
Melonis, M. & Burne, B. (2010) Implementation of AT for Communication. Instructional and Assistive Technology in Early Intervention Academy: An Academy for Developmental Intervention Assistants The Para Center, University of Colorado Denver.
Melonis, M. & Burne, B. (2010)Implementation of AT for Play and Self-Help. Instructional and Assistive Technology in Early Intervention Academy: An Academy for Developmental Intervention Assistants The Para Center, University of Colorado Denver.