Ryan Asherin, PhD

Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC


  • Van Cleave J, Keller D, Young S, Asherin R, & Fritsch S. (2022). When the Consults with a Child Psychiatry Access Program: Comparison of Rural and Nonrural Primary Care Providers. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 61 (10S): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2022.09.138.
  • Fritsch S, Keller D, Young S, Jin X, Asherin R, Van Cleave J. Utilization of ECHO (Extension of Community Health Outcomes) Series to Increase Pediatric Primary Care Providers’ Ability to Assess and Treat Behavioral Health Concerns. (2022). 9th Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Van Cleave J, Keller D, Asherin R, Fritsch S Colorado Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation & Access Program (CoPPCAP): Data & Lessons Learned. (2022). 9th Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Van Cleave J, Keller D, Young SE, Asherin R, Fritsch S. (2022). Consults with a Child Psychiatry Access Program: Comparison of rural and non-rural primary care providers. Annual Meeting of Pediatric Academic Society, Denver, Colorado.
  • Kolb, Eva., Peterson, J., Asherin, R., & Fritsch, S. (2022). Colorado Care Guide: Suicide and Non-Suicidal Sefl Injury Assessment & Treatment In Pediatric Primary Care. https://www.coppcap.org/colorado-care-guide
  • Asherin RM, Everhart KD, Stophaeros SL, Vogeli JM, Fowler J, Phiel CJ, Kaplan PS. Associations between maternal depression and mother and infant oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR_rs53576) polymorphisms. Dev Psychobiol. 2019 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31755553