Sobel HG, Swigris R, Chacko KM, Landrey A, McNulty M, Vennard K, Nikels SM, Suddarth K, Murphy EN, Aagaard E. Resident and Preceptor Perceptions of Preceptor Integration Into Resident Clinic Scheduling Templates. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Aug;9(4):497-502. PubMed PMID: 28824765
Trinkley KE, Nikels SM, Page RL 2nd, Joy MS. Automating and estimating glomerular filtration rate for dosing medications and staging chronic kidney disease. Int J Gen Med. 2014;7:211-8. PubMed PMID: 24833913
Heist K, Guese M, Nikels M, Swigris R, Chacko K. Impact of 4? ?1 block scheduling on patient care continuity in resident clinic. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Aug;29(8):1195-9. PubMed PMID: 24408278
Evaluating Nonphysician Staff Members' Self-Perceived Ability to Provide Multisource Evaluations of Residents
Susan Michelle Nikels, Gretchen Guiton, Danielle Loeb and Suzanne Brandenburg
Journal of Graduate Medical Education. March 2013.
Impact of 4+1 Block Scheduling on Patient Care Continuity in Resident Clinic. Katie Heist, Mary Guese, Michelle Nikels, Rachel Swigris and Karen Chacko
-poster Academic Internal Medicine Week, Association of Program Directors
Impact of 4+1 Block Scheduling on Patient Care Continuity in Resident Clinic. Katie Heist, Mary Guese, Michelle Nikels, Rachel Swigris and Karen Chacko
-JGIM DOI 10.1007/s11606-013-2750-4
Implementing Quality Improvement Projects into a Resident Continuity Clinic. Michelle Nikels, Rachel Swigris, Danielle Loeb, Suzanne brandenburg. SGIM regional conference.
Evaluating Nonphysician Staff Members Self-Perceived Ability to Provide Multisource Evaluations of Residents. Michelle Nikels, Gretchen Guiton, Danielle Loeb and Suzanne Brandenburg. JGME, March 2013, Vol 5, No 1, pp64-69.
Diuretics and Diarrhea. A Dangerous Combination, A Teachable Moment. Pai Liu, Michelle Nikels, Brandon Combs. JAMA DOI 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.12717, Nov 2013.
Nikels S, Brandenburg S. Multi-source Evaluation of Resident Physicians. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from:
Multi-source Evaluations: from the viewpoint of the evaluators
The threat below the surface: a case of lipodystrophy following injection
Multi-source evaluations: from the viewpoint of the evaluators