Nuechterlein B, Peltz A, Drake K, Finnerty M, Keating A, Craddock J, Smolik S, Quinones R, Giller R.
Optimizing Cyclosporine Dosing Regimen to Achieve Therapeutic Levels at the Time of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation: A Pediatric Quality Improvement Intervention. Poster session presented at: 2012 BMT Tandem Meeting. 19th Annual Conference, 2013 Feb 13-17, Salt Lake City, UT.
Peltz AC, Law DE, Giller RH. An Innovative Approach to Autologous Stem Cell Collection in the Pediatric Patient. Poster session presented at: 2012 BMT Tandem Meetings. 18th Annual Conference; 2012 Feb 1-5; San Diego, CA.
Craddock JA, Alsultan A, Quinones RR, Keating A, Hild E, Benkhalil N, Law D, Peltz A, Nuechterlein B, Drake K, Smolik S, GIller RH. Unrelated Cord Blood Transplant (UCBT) is Associated Low Rates of Longterm, Persistent Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). Abstract presented at: 2012 BMT Tandem Meetings, 18th Annual Conference; 2012 Feb 1-5; San Diego, CA.