Nicholas Scaletta, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Practice, Medicine-Hospital Medicine


  • Scaletta N, Ryan P, Hanratty R Patient Experience in a COVID-19 Remote Patient Monitoring Program American Journal of Accountable Care, Vol 11 Issue 2 June 2023
  • Wachtel, S; Scaletta N, Zoucha J. Once bitten....a case of Capnocytophaga canimorsus sepsis. Poster to be presented at: Society for Hospital Medicine April 15-18 202o San Diego, Ca
  • ONCE BITTEN: A CASE OF SEPSIS FROM CAPNOCYTOPHAGA CANIMORSUS Sarah Wachtel, MD, Nicholas Scaletta, MD, Jeff Zoucha, MD 2020 SHM Clinical Vignette Abstract
  • Skinner, A., Munoa, A.M.; Rao, H., Indovina, K.A., Shaffie, R., Scaletta, N., Stella, S.A. In the literature: Physician reviews of HM-centric research. The Hospitalist. 2018;22(4):11-14
  • Scaletta, N., Taking Care of Our Caregivers. The Role for Structured Debriefing After Adverse Patient Outcomes. Admission Hospitalist Blog. 5/17/2018