Colorado Family Physician of the Year, Colorado Academy of Family Physicians
Best Doctors in America, Best Doctors in America
2005 - 2017
12th Edition of the Residency Program Solutions Criteria for Excellence
12th Edition, Residency Program solutions Criteria for Excellence. "Form and Function of the Family Medicine Practice Site" Updated annually.
One of the lead authors of:
Senate Bill 289, 116th Congress, Rural Physician Workforce Production Act of 2019, Introduced into Congress 1/31/2019 by Senator Cory Gardner.
Form and Function of the Family Medicine Practice Site
2018 RPS Criteria for Excellence through the AAFP
Voorhees, K. (2015). Tapeworm Infestation. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Voorhees, K. (2015). Trichinellosis. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Multiple Authors, Voorhees, Kent, MD (contributing author–Medicaid GME Work Group), “Family Medicine Residency Education in Colorado; Recommendations to Increase Training and Retention of Family Physicians in Rural and Underserved Areas” Released to Colorado Legislature March, 2015.
Voorhees, K. (2014). Tapeworm Infestation. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Voorhees, K. (2014). Trichinellosis. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
“Life Disruptions from High Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures” Voorhees, Kenton. Invited Commentary In response to “Life Disruptions for Midlife and Older Adults with High Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures” Annals of Family Medicine. January/February 2013 11:37-42; doi:10.1370/afm.1444. “On TRACK” editorial. Published February 4, 2013
Book chapter for 5-Minute Clinical Consult: “Trichinellosis”
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D. 2013
Book chapter for 5-Minute Clinical Consult: “Tapeworm infestation”
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D. 2013
Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Prado-Gutierrez, Antonio, MPH, MA, Epperly, Ted, MD, Derksen, Dan, MD. “A Proposal for Reform of the Structure and Financing of Primary Care Graduate Medical Education”, Family Medicine. March 2013. Vol. 45, No 3:164-170.
Voorhees, Kenton, “Life Disruptions from High Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures”, Invited Commentary, In response to “Life Disruptions for Midlife and Older Adults with High Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures” Annals of Family Medicine. January/February, 2013, 11:37-42; doi:10.1370/afm.1444. “On TRACK” editorial, February 4, 2013.
Voorhees, K. (2013). Tapeworm Infestation. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Voorhees, K. (2013). Trichinellosis. In Domino FJ (Ed.), The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Louis Sanner, MD, MSPH, Kent Voorhees, MD, Alan David, MD, “Medicare GME Payments to Hospitals Part 1: Medicare GME Payments – background and basics; Part 2: Medicare GME Funding Status update and hot issues”, Residency Program Solutions Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO. April 8, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, Dan Burke, MD, “Potential Reforms of GME Payment Policies to Address Specialty and Geographic Disparities”, Department of Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Denver, Colorado. August 7, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “Family Medicine Rural Training Track Accreditation Issues”, Colorado Commission on Family Medicine, Rural Training Programs Advisory Committee, Invited Lecture, August 20, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “University of Colorado School of Medicine Promotion, Clinical Practice Series, Research Professor Series”, Denver Health Faculty Retreat, Invited Lecture, August 28, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “How to get into Residency”, Family Medicine Interest Group, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Invited Lecture, September 4, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “Financing Rural Training”, Colorado Commission on Family Medicine, Rural Training Programs Advisory Committee, Invited Lecture, September 17, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “Employment Contracts”, UH 4th Year Fellows, Invited Lecture, December 16, 2013.
Kent Voorhees, MD, “Personal Finance”, UH 4th Year Fellows, Invited Lecture, December 16, 2013.
“Working with Hospital Leadership” Mengel, Mark, MD, MPH, Voorhees, Kenton, MD, FAAFP. Association of Family Medicine Administrators Newsletter. 2012.
"Leadership: Personal Styles and Organizational Effectiveness" National oral presentation with Mark Mengel, MD, MPH, Judy Pauwels, MD, Lou Sanner, MD, Kent Voorhees, MD. 3 Hour AM workshop at the Residency Program Solutions Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO. March 31,2012.
"Advanced Leadership Skills: Managing Key Relationships External to the Family Medicine Residency Program" National oral presentation with Mark Mengel, MD, MPH, Judy Pauwels, MD, Lou Sanner MD, Kent Voorhees, MD. 3 Hour PM workshop at the Residency Program Solutions Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO. March 31,2012.
"Tapeworm Infestion". 5-Minute Clinical Consult. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, MD. 2012
"Trichinellosis". 5-Minute Clinical Consult. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, MD. 2012
"Summary Report on Medical Student Preparedness" Voorhees, Kent, MD. January 6, 2012. Presented to the American Academy of Family Physicians, Commission on Education and accepted.
"Which Smoking Cessation Interventions Work Best?" Clinical Inquiries. Evidence-Based Answers from the Family Physicians Inquires Network. Mahvan, Tracy, PharmD, Namdar, Rocsanna, PharmD, Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Smith, Peter, MD, Flake, Donna, MSLS, MSAS. Journal of Family Practice. July 2011. Vol 60. No 07:430-431.
"RPS FAQ: What is the process for an osteopathic (DO) faculty, who trained in an osteopathic residency, to be considered acceptable to the Family Medicine Review Committee (RC) to teach in an ACGME accredited residency?" 2011. Voorhees, Kenton, MD
"A Legislative Proposal for Reform of GME Structure and Financing. Meeting the Nations Health Care Needs Through Primary Care Workforce Development" Prado-Gutierrez, Tony, Mix, Kris, Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Epperly, Ted, MD. 2011. Released to United States Legislators. Pending Publication
The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, "Trichinellosis". Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D., 2011
The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, "Tapeworm Infestation". Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia. Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D., 2011
"PCMH Colorado Style, A Statewide Residency Implementation Project" National oral presentation, 2 sessions at the Residency Program Solutions Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO. April 3 - 5, 2011.
"GME Funding: Past, Present and Future" National oral presentation. Wittenberg, Hope, Voorhees, Kenton, MD. GME Initiative Meeting. Denver, CO. July 8, 2011.
"Using Networks or Coalitions to Obtain Desired Results or Influence Policy" To PhD Candidates in Clinical Outcomes Assessment Class of the University of Colorado. November 7, 2011.
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Tapeworm Infestation"
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Trichinellosis"
Book chapter for 5-Minute Clinical Consult,
“Tapeworm infestation”
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D. 2009, 201
Book chapter for 5-Minute Clinical Consult,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D. 2009, 2010
"Family Medicine Residency Collaboration in Colorado Through COFM, CAFMR and CIFM"; To be presented at the 2010 AFMRD Program Directors Workshop, June 6, 7 & 8, 2010 in Kansas City, MO
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Trichinellosis"
“Observations in Health. Colorado’s Family Doctor Pipeline Half Empty” Health Elevations (A Quarterly Journal of The Colorado Health Foundation) Winter 2009.
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Tapeworm Infestation"
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Tapeworm Infestation"
5-Minute Clinical Consult, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: "Trichinellosis"
Tapeworm Infestation - 5 Minute Clinical Consult 2008, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia; Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D.
Trichinellosis - 5 Minute Clinical Consult 2008, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia; Editor: Frank J. Domino, M.D.
"Underinsurance in Primary Care: A Report from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP)" Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Fernald, Douglas, MA, et al Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. July-August 2008, Vol. 21 No. 4.
"President's Thoughts: Update on CAFPO Activities on its 60th Anniversary" CAFP News. Summer 2008
"Senate Sould Reverse Cuts in Physician Rates" Op-Ed. The Pueblo Chieftan. July 6, 2008.
"Study Finds Even Coloradans With Health Insurance Can't Afford Care" Radio Interview. Colorado Public Radio, Colorado Matters, and National Public Radio, All Things Considered. Aired August 5, 2008
"Observations in Health. Colorado's Family Doctor Pipeline Half Empty" Health Elevations (A Quarterly Journal of The Colorado Health Foundation). Winter 2009.
“Underinsurance in Primary Care Practices in Colorado: A Report From SNOCAP” Poster Presentation. Presented at NAPCRG (North Atlantic Primary Care Research Group) Annual National Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. October 20 - 23, 2007
“Methamphetamine Abuse” Winslow, Bradford, M.D., Voorhees, Kenton, M.D. 2007, American Family Physician. October 15, 2007.
Family Medicine Longitudinal Inpatient Curriculum Benefits and Description of an Inpatient Tracker. 2005. Posted on the AFMRD (Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors) website (for national family medicine residency directors) at:
“Colorado’s Physician Pipeline is Half Empty” Kent Voorhees, M.D. Op-Ed. The Denver Business Journal. August 3, 2007.
President's Report Articles in the CAFP News, Quarterly Magazine. I have writen on the Future of Family Medicine, Medical Home, and NCQA Certification for Medical Home
"Working with Hospital Leadership". Mengel, Mark, MD, MPH, Voorhees, Kenton, MD, FAAFP. Association of Family Medicine Administrators Newsletter. Pending Publication 2012
"Baseline Assessment of 'PCMH-ness' in Coloradoi Family Medicine Residency Programs" Jortberg, Bonnie, MS, RD, CDE, Fernald, Douglas, MA, Dickinson, Miriam, PhD, Coombs, Letoynia, EdD, Neaner, Nicole, MSW, O'Neill, Caitliin, MS, RD, Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Dickinson, Perry, MD, 2011, pending publication
“A Proposal for Reform of the Structure and Financing of Primary Care Graduate Medical Education” Voorhees, Kenton, MD, Prado-Gutierrez, Antonio, MPH, MA, Epperly, Ted, MD, Derksen, Dan, MD. Family Medicine. March 2013. Vol 45, No 3:164-170.
RPS Criteria For Excellence 10th Edition, 2017
On-line edition by subscription with the AAFP
"Form & Function of the Family Medicine Practice Site"
Voorhees, Kent (2016). Form and Function of the Family Medicine Practice Site. Kozakowski (Ed.) Residency Program Solutions Criteria for Excellence, 9th Edition, Leawood, AAFP