Nold-Petry CA, Rudloff I, Baumer Y, Ruvo M, Marasco D, Botti P, Farkas L, Cho SX, Zepp JA, Azam T, Dinkel H, Palmer BE, Boisvert WA, Cool CD, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Heinhuis B, Joosten LA, Dinarello CA, Voelkel NF, Nold MF. IL-32 promotes angiogenesis. J Immunol. 2014 Jan 15;192(2):589-602. PubMed PMID: 24337385
Claudia A. Nold-Petry, Ina Rudloff, Yvonne Baumer†, Steven X. Cho, Jarod A. Zepp, Brent E. Palmer, Tania Azam, Menotti Ruvo, Daniela Marasco, Paolo Botti, Laszlo Farkas, William A. Boisvert, Carlyne D. Cool, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Charles A. Dinarello, Norbert F. Voelkel, and Marcel F. Nold. Interleukin 32 promotes angiogenesis. J. Immunol. 2014 Jan 15;192(2):589-602.
Viktorija Reinikovaite, Ridong Chen, Carlyne Cool, Jane Parr, Jean Sévigny, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart.
Aspen Lung Conference, 2014
Neutrophilic Infiltration accelerates fibrosis in severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension model
Viktorija Reinikovaite, Carlyne Cool, Jane Parr, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart.
ATS Meeting, San Diego, 2014
Treatment with APT102, an optimized human apyrase, reverses pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
Viktorija Reinikovaite, *Ridong Chen, Carlyne Cool, Jane Parr, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. ATS Meeting, San Diego, 2014
Role of IL-18 in Second Hand Smoke-Induced Emphysema.
Kratzer A, Salys J, Nold-Petry C, Cool C, Zamora M, Bowler R, Koczulla AR, Janciauskiene S, Edwards M, Dinarello CA, Taraseviciene-Stewart L.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2013 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Leberl M, Kratzer A, Taraseviciene-Stewart L. Tobacco smoke induced COPD/emphysema in the animal model-are we all on the same page?. Front Physiol. 2013;4:91. PubMed PMID: 23720629
Kratzer A, Chu HW, Salys J, Moumen Z, Leberl M, Bowler R, Cool C, Zamora M, Taraseviciene-Stewart L. Endothelial cell adhesion molecule CD146: implications for its role in the pathogenesis of COPD. J Pathol. 2013 Aug;230(4):388-98. PubMed PMID: 23649916
Kratzer A, Salys J, Nold-Petry C, Cool C, Zamora M, Bowler R, Koczulla AR, Janciauskiene S, Edwards MG, Dinarello CA, Taraseviciene-Stewart L. Role of IL-18 in second-hand smoke-induced emphysema. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2013 Jun;48(6):725-32. PubMed PMID: 23392573
Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart and Norbert F. Voelkel, The immunopathology of COPD. Book chapter in:
Smoking & Lung Inflammation: Basic, Pre-Clinical, and Clinical Research Advances. Publisher: Springer
Science and Business Media, Ed. Roger, Criner and Cornwell; p. 1-27; 2013
34. Mark T. Kearns, Samay Dalal, Sarah A. Horstmann, Tiffany R. Richens, Darren M. Boe, Norbert F. Voelkel, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, William J. Janssen, Chun G. Lee, Jack A. Elias, Rubin M. Tuder, Peter M. Henson and R. William Vandivier. Vascular endothelial growth factor enhances macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol, 2012 Feb 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Evgenia Gerasimovskaya, Adelheid Kratzer, Asya Sidiakova, Jonas Salys, Martin Zamora and Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart. Interplay of Macrophages and T cells in Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 March 1 [Epub ahead of print]
35. Jose Gomez Arroyo, Aamer A Syed, Shiro Mizuno, Harm J Bogaard, Antonio Abbate,
Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Yon Sung, Donatas Kraskauskas, Sheinei J Saleem, Daniela Farkas1, Daniel H Conrad, Mark R. Nicolls and Norbert F. Voelkel. A Brief Overview of Mouse Models of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Problems and Prospects. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol, 2012 Feb 1 [Epub ahead of print]
Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Voelkel NF. VEGF, Poly(i:C), and Innate Immune Response. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Feb 15;185(4):462-3.
Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Voelkel NF. Oxidative Stress–induced Antibodies to Carbonyl-modified Protein Correlate with Severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 March
Vascular endothelial growth factor enhances macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells.
Kearns MT, Dalal S, Horstmann SA, Richens TR, Tanaka T, Doe JM, Boe DM, Voelkel NF, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Janssen WJ, Lee CG, Elias JA, Bratton D, Tuder RM, Henson PM, Vandivier RW.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 Apr 1;302(7):L711-8. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00116.2011. Epub 2012 Feb 3.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
A brief overview of mouse models of pulmonary arterial hypertension: problems and prospects.
Gomez-Arroyo J, Saleem SJ, Mizuno S, Syed AA, Bogaard HJ, Abbate A, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Sung Y, Kraskauskas D, Farkas D, Conrad DH, Nicolls MR, Voelkel NF.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 May 15;302(10):L977-91. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00362.2011. Epub 2012 Feb 3. Review.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Interplay of macrophages and T cells in the lung vasculature.
Gerasimovskaya E, Kratzer A, Sidiakova A, Salys J, Zamora M, Taraseviciene-Stewart L.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2012 May 15;302(10):L1014-22. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00357.2011. Epub 2012 Mar 2.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
VEGF, poly(i:C), and innate immune response.
Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Voelkel NF.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Feb 15;185(4):462-3. No abstract available.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Oxidative stress-induced antibodies to carbonyl-modified protein correlate with severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Voelkel NF.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 May 1;185(9):1026; author reply 1026-7. No abstract available.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Acrolein induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and causes airspace enlargement.
Kitaguchi Y, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Hanaoka M, Natarajan R, Kraskauskas D, Voelkel NF.
PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e38038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038038. Epub 2012 May 31.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Usefulness of a mouse model of reversible pulmonary arterial hypertension: be cautious, choose carefully.
Gomez-Arroyo J, Voelkel NF, Bogaard HJ, Taraseviciene-Stewart L.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012 Jun 15;185(12):1326; author reply 1326-7. No abstract available.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
New models of pulmonary hypertension based on VEGF receptor blockade-induced endothelial cell apoptosis.
Nicolls MR, Mizuno S, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Farkas L, Drake JI, Al Husseini A, Gomez-Arroyo JG, Voelkel NF, Bogaard HJ.
Pulm Circ. 2012 Oct;2(4):434-42. doi: 10.4103/2045-8932.105031.
Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. T cells: The Key Players in Cigarette Smoke-Induced Emphysema. ATS, Denver, USA Mar. 13-18, 2011
J. Salys, A. Kratzer, Robert S. Stearman and L. Taraseviciene-Stewart. Hypoxia –mediated alteration in adenosine receptor expression in the lung. ATS, Denver, USA Mar. 13-18, 2011
J. Salys, A. Kratzer, Robert S. Stearman and L. Taraseviciene-Stewart Hypoxia –mediated alteration in adenosine receptor expression in the lung. Research and Creative Activities Symposium, Denver, USA Apr. 15, 2011
A. Kratzer, J. Salys, L. Shapiro, M. Zamora, L. Taraseviciene-Stewart. Impaired Immune Response To Second Hand Cigarette Smoke In The Rat Lung. ATS, Denver, USA Mar. 13-18, 2011
Kratzer, J. Salys, H. W. Chu, M. Zamora and L. Taraseviciene-Stewart. CD146 in the pathogenesis of COPD; Thomas L. Petty Aspen Lung Conference, Aspen, CO, USA June 8-11, 2011
Jonas Salys, Adelheid Kratzer, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Hypoxia-mediated alterations in adenosine receptor expression in rat lung. ERS meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sept. 24-28, 2011 Thematic Poster
Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Hong Wei Chu, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Lung CD146 in the pathogenesis of COPD. ERS meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sept. 24-28, 2011 Thematic Poster
Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. The nuclear liver X receptor and its role in smoke exposed rat lungs. ERS meeting Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sept. 24-28, 2011 Poster Discussion
2. Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Benjy Gonzalez, Hong Wei Chu, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Effects of Cigarette Smoke Exposure on expression and function of the adherence junction molecule CD146. ASCB Annual Meeting · Dec 3-7, 2011 · Denver, Colorado, USA
1. Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Benjy Gonzalez, Hong Wei Chu, Martin Zamora and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Effects of Cigarette Smoke Exposure on expression and function of the nuclear liver X receptor. ASCB Annual Meeting · Dec 3-7, 2011 · Denver, Colorado, USA
15. Adelheid Kratzer, Jonas Salys, Claudia Nold, Carlyne Cool, Martin Zamora, Charles Dinarello, and Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart. Impaired Immune Responses Upon Second Hand Cigarette Smoke Exposure, 2011, submitted
Ji-Hyun Lee1, Masayuki Hanaoka1, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, Donatas Kraskauskas, Leland Shapiro, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, and Norbert F. Voelkel.Imbalance of apoptosis and cell proliferation contribute to the development and persistence of emphysema. Lung, 2011
32. Ji-Hyun Lee, Masayuki Hanaoka, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, Donatas Kraskauskas, Leland Shapiro, Norbert F. Voelkel, and Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Imbalance of apoptosis and cell proliferation contribute to the development and persistence of emphysema. LUNG, 2011, Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]
14. Masayuki Hanaoka, Mark R. Nicolls, Andrew P. Fontenot, Donatas Kraskauskas, Douglas G.Mack, Adelheid Kratzer, Vita Kraskauskiene, Nana Burns, Norbert F. Voelkel, and LaimuteTaraseviciene-Stewart. Immunomodulatory Strategies Prevent the Development of Autoimmune Emphysema.
Respiratory Research 2010, 11:179
37. Woodward,H.N., Anwar,A., Riddle,S., Taraseviciene-Stewart,L., Fragoso,M., Stenmark,K.R., and Gerasimovskaya,E.V., PI3K, Rho and ROCK play a key role in hypoxia-induced ATP release and ATP-stimulated angiogenic responses in pulmonary artery vasa vasorum endothelial cells. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol 2009.
4. Silvia Ulrich, Mark R. Nicolls, Laima Taraseviciene, Rudolf Speich, Norbert Voelkel. Increased Regulatory and Decreased CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cells in the Blood of Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Respiration 2008;75:272-280
5. Taraseviciene-Stewart, L. and Voelkel, N. F. Molecular Pathogenesis of Emphysema. J. Clin. Invest. 118:394–402 (2008).
6. Eleen Daley, Claire Emson, Christophe Guignabert, Rene de Waal Malefyt, Jennifer Louten, Viswanath P. Kurup, Cory Hogaboam, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Norbert F. Voelkel, Marlene Rabinovitch, Ekkehard Grunig, and Gabriele Grunig. Pulmonary arterial remodeling induced by a Th2 immune response The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 205, No. 2, 361-372 (2008)
7. Silvia Ulrich, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Lars C Huber, Rudolf Speich and Norbert Voelkel Peripheral blood B lymphocytes derived from patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension express a different RNA pattern compared with healthy controls: a cross sectional study. Respiratory Research 2008, 9:20
Taraseviciene-Stewart, L. and Voelkel, N. F. Molecular Pathogenesis of Emphysema. JCI, 2008; 118(2):354-402.
34. Silvia Ulrich, Mark R. Nicolls, Laima Taraseviciene, Rudolf Speich, Norbert Voelkel. Increased Regulatory and Decreased CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cells in the Blood of Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Respiration 2008;75:272-280
32. Daley E, Emson C, Guignabert C, de Waal Malefyt R, Louten J, Kurup VP, Hogaboam C, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Voelkel NF, Rabinovitch M, Grunig E, Grunig G. Pulmonary arterial remodeling induced by a Th2 immune response. J Exp Med. Vol. 205, No. 2, 361-372, 2008
35. Silvia Ulrich, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Lars C Huber, Rudolf Speich and Norbert Voelkel Peripheral blood B lymphocytes derived from patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension express a different RNA pattern compared with healthy controls: a cross sectional study. Respiratory Research 2008, 9:20
36. Homma N, Nagaoka T, Karoor V, Imamura M, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Walker LA, Fagan KA, McMurtry IF, Oka M., Involvement of RhoA/Rho kinase signaling in dehydroepiandrosterone's protection against monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in pneumonectomized rats. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2008 Jul; 295(1):L71-8.
Masahiko Oka, Noriyuki Homma, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Kenneth G. Morris, Donatas Kraskauskas, Nana Burns, Norbert F. Voelkel, Ivan F. McMurtry. Rho kinase-mediated vasoconstriction is important in severe occlusive pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats. Circ. Res. 2007 in press
1. Masahiko Oka, Noriyuki Homma, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Kenneth G. Morris, Donatas Kraskauskas, Nana Burns, Norbert F. Voelkel, Ivan F. McMurtry. Rho kinase-mediated vasoconstriction is important in severe occlusive pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats. Circ Res. 2007 Mar 30;100(6):923-9.
2. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Mark R. Nicolls, Donatas Kraskauskas, Robertas Scerbavicius, Nana Burns, Carlyne Cool, Kathy Wood, Jane E. Parr, Susan Boackle and Norbert F. Voelkel. Absence of T Cells Confers an Increased Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Vascular Remodeling. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 Apr 5;
3. Sakao S, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Cool CD, Tada Y, Kasahara Y, Kurosu K, Tanabe N, Takiguchi Y, Tatsumi K, Kuriyama T, Voelkel NF. VEGF-R blockade causes endothelial cell apoptosis, expansion of surviving CD34+ precursor cells and transdifferentiation to smooth muscle-like and neuronal-like cells. FASEB J. 2007 Jun 13;
1. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Kraskauskas D, Scerbavicius R, Burns N, Nichols M and Voelkel NF. Immuno-Modulation of Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. ATS Abstracts, San Diego, 2005
2. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Burns N, Kraskauskas D, Nicolls, MR, Tuder RM, and Voelkel NF. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Emphysema, Aspen Lung Conference, 2005
3. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Nana Burns, Robertas Scerbavicius and Norbert F. Voelkel. The effects of long-actin bradykinin receptor 2 agonist on pulmonary vasculature in vivo and vitro. 1st international conference “Exploring the Future of Local Vascular and Inflammatory Mediators”, Lund, Sweden on May 26-28, 2005.
4. J.M. Stewart, L. Taraseviciene-Stewart, V. Simkeviciene, D.C. Chan, P.A. Bunn, Jr. and L. Gera. Design, Synthesis and Antitumor Screening of Bradykinin Antagonists and their New Peptidomimetics. 1st international conference “Exploring the Future of Local Vascular and Inflammatory Mediators”, Lund, Sweden on May 26-28, 2005.
5. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Nana Burns, Robertas Scerbavicius and Norbert F. Voelkel. The Effects of Stable Bradykinin Receptor 2 Agonist B9972 on Pulmonary Vasculature in Vivo and Vitro. American Peptide Symposium, Abstract, San Diego, June19-24, 2005.
6. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Nicolls M.R., Burns N., Kraskauskas D., and Voelkel N.F. Induction of Immune Tolerance Prevents Development of Immune Emphysema in Rats. Keystone Symposia: Tolerance, Autoimmunity and Immune Regulation, Abstract #410, 2006
Achcar, R. O., Demura, Y., Rai, P. R., Taraseviciene-Stewart, L., Kasper, M., Voelkel, N. F., and Cool, C. D. Loss of Caveolin and Heme Oxygenase Expression in Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest 2006;129(3):696-705.
Irina Petrache, Iwona Fijalkowska, Lijie Zhen, Terry R. Medler, Jarrett Skirball, Terrence Flotte, Kang-Hyeon Choe, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, Lee Shapiro, Norbert Voelkel, Rubin Tuder. A novel antiapoptotic role for alpha 1 antitrypsin in the prevention of emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Jun 1; 173(11):1222-1228.
Sakao, S., Taraseviciene-Stewart, L., Wood, K., Cool, C. D., and Voelkel, N. F. Apoptosis of Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Stimulates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Growth. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol 2006;291(3):L362-L368
Taraseviciene-Stewart, L., Douglas, I. S., Nana-Sinkam, P. S., Lee, J. D., Tuder, R. M., Nicolls, M. R., and Voelkel, N. F. Is Alveolar Destruction and Emphysema in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease an Immune Disease? Proc.Am.Thorac.Soc. 2006;3(8):687-90.
Taraseviciene-Stewart, L., Burns, N., Kraskauskas, D., Nicolls, M. R., Tuder, R. M., and Voelkel, N. F. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Emphysema. Proc.Am.Thorac.Soc. 2006;3(6):486-7.
Taraseviciene-Stewart, L., Scerbavicius, R., Choe, K. H., Cool, C., Wood, K., Tuder, R. M., Burns, N., Kasper, M., and Voelkel, N. F. Simvastatin Causes Endothelial Cell Apoptosis and Attenuates Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. Am.J Physiol Lung Cell Mol.Physiol 2006;291(4):L668-L676.
1. Norbert F. Voelkel, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Emphysema – an Autoimmune Vascular Disease. Proc. Am. Thor. Soc. Apr 2005; 2: 23 - 25.
2. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Scerbavicius R, Choe KH, Moore M, Sullivan A, Nicolls MR, Fontenot AP, Tuder RM, Voelkel NF. An Animal Model of Autoimmune Emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Apr 1;171(7):734-42.
3. John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Daniel C. Chan, Eunice J. York, Vitalija Simkeviciene, Paul Bunn Jr., Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart. Combination Cancer Chemotherapy with one compound: Pluripotent Bradykinin Antagonist. Peptides, 2005 Aug; 26(8):1288-91.
4. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Yoshiki Demura, Carlyne Cool, Michael Kasper and Norbert F. Voelkel. Treatment of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension: a bradykinin receptor 2 agonist B9972 causes reduction of pulmonary artery pressure and right ventricular hypertrophy. Peptides, 2005 Aug; 26(8):1292-300.
5. Sakao S, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Lee JD, Wood K, Cool CD, Voelkel NF. Initial apoptosis is followed by increased proliferation of apoptosis-resistant endothelial cells. FASEB J. 2005 Jul;19(9):1178-80.
6. Rosane O.D. Archar, Yoshiki Demura, Pradeep R. Rai, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Michael Kasper, Norbert F. Voelkel, Carlyne D. Cool. Loss of Caveolin and Heme Oxygenase Expression in Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. CHEST, 2005, 128:1-10.
7. Mark R. Nicolls, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Pradeep R. Rai, David B. Badesch, Norbert F. Voelkel. Autoimmunity and Pulmonary Hypertension: A Perspective, Eur. Resp. J. 2005 Dec;26(6):1110-8.
8. Irina Petrache, Iwona Fijalkowska, Lijie Zhen, Terry R. Medler, Jarrett Skirball, Terrence Flotte, Kang-Hyeon Choe, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, Lee Shapiro, Norbert Voelkel, Rubin Tuder. A novel antiapoptotic role for alpha 1 antitrypsin in the prevention of emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Mar 2; [Epub ahead of print]
9. Seiichiro Sakao, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Kathy Wood, Carlyne D. Cool, and Norbert F. Voelkel. Apoptosis of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth. 2006 submitted to publication
10. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, Kang-Hyeon Choe, Carlyne Cool, Kathy Wood, Rubin M. Tuder, Nana Burns, Michael Kasper and Norbert F. Voelkel. Simvastatin Causes Endothelial Cell Apoptosis and Attenuates Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. 2006 submitted to publication
11. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Burns N, Kraskauskas D, Nicolls, MR, Tuder RM, and Voelkel NF. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Emphysema. Proc. Am. Thor. Soc., 2006, in press
1. Norbert F. Voelkel, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart. Emphysema – an Autoimmune Vascular Disease. Proc. Am. Thor. Soc. Apr 2005; 2: 23 - 25.
2. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Scerbavicius R, Choe KH, Moore M, Sullivan A, Nicolls MR, Fontenot AP, Tuder RM, Voelkel NF. An Animal Model of Autoimmune Emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 Apr 1;171(7):734-42.
3. John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Daniel C. Chan, Eunice J. York, Vitalija Simkeviciene, Paul Bunn Jr., Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart. Combination Cancer Chemotherapy with one compound: Pluripotent Bradykinin Antagonist. Peptides, 2005 Aug; 26(8):1288-91.
4. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Yoshiki Demura, Carlyne Cool, Michael Kasper and Norbert F. Voelkel. Treatment of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension: a bradykinin receptor 2 agonist B9972 causes reduction of pulmonary artery pressure and right ventricular hypertrophy. Peptides, 2005 Aug; 26(8):1292-300.
5. Sakao S, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Lee JD, Wood K, Cool CD, Voelkel NF. Initial apoptosis is followed by increased proliferation of apoptosis-resistant endothelial cells. FASEB J. 2005 Jul;19(9):1178-80.
6. Rosane O.D. Archar, Yoshiki Demura, Pradeep R. Rai, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Michael Kasper, Norbert F. Voelkel, Carlyne D. Cool. Loss of Caveolin and Heme Oxygenase Expression in Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. CHEST, 2005, 128:1-10.
7. Mark R. Nicolls, Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart, Pradeep R. Rai, David B. Badesch, Norbert F. Voelkel. Autoimmunity and Pulmonary Hypertension: A Perspective, Eur. Resp. J. 2005 Dec;26(6):1110-8.
8. Irina Petrache, Iwona Fijalkowska, Lijie Zhen, Terry R. Medler, Jarrett Skirball, Terrence Flotte, Kang-Hyeon Choe, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, Lee Shapiro, Norbert Voelkel, Rubin Tuder. A novel antiapoptotic role for alpha 1 antitrypsin in the prevention of emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Mar 2; [Epub ahead of print]
9. Seiichiro Sakao, Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Kathy Wood, Carlyne D. Cool, and Norbert F. Voelkel. Apoptosis of pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth. 2006 submitted to publication
10. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, Robertas Scerbavicius, Kang-Hyeon Choe, Carlyne Cool, Kathy Wood, Rubin M. Tuder, Nana Burns, Michael Kasper and Norbert F. Voelkel. Simvastatin Causes Endothelial Cell Apoptosis and Attenuates Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. 2006 submitted to publication
11. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Burns N, Kraskauskas D, Nicolls, MR, Tuder RM, and Voelkel NF. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Emphysema. Proc. Am. Thor. Soc., 2006, in press
1. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Kraskauskas D, Scerbavicius R, Burns N, Nichols M and Voelkel NF. Immuno-Modulation of Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling. ATS Abstracts, San Diego, 2005
2. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Burns N, Kraskauskas D, Nicolls, MR, Tuder RM, and Voelkel NF. Mechanisms of Autoimmune Emphysema, Aspen Lung Conference, 2005
3. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Nana Burns, Robertas Scerbavicius and Norbert F. Voelkel. The effects of long-actin bradykinin receptor 2 agonist on pulmonary vasculature in vivo and vitro. 1st international conference “Exploring the Future of Local Vascular and Inflammatory Mediators”, Lund, Sweden on May 26-28, 2005.
4. J.M. Stewart, L. Taraseviciene-Stewart, V. Simkeviciene, D.C. Chan, P.A. Bunn, Jr. and L. Gera. Design, Synthesis and Antitumor Screening of Bradykinin Antagonists and their New Peptidomimetics. 1st international conference “Exploring the Future of Local Vascular and Inflammatory Mediators”, Lund, Sweden on May 26-28, 2005.
5. Laimute Taraseviciene-Stewart, John M. Stewart, Lajos Gera, Nana Burns, Robertas Scerbavicius and Norbert F. Voelkel. The Effects of Stable Bradykinin Receptor 2 Agonist B9972 on Pulmonary Vasculature in Vivo and Vitro. American Peptide Symposium, Abstract, San Diego, June19-24, 2005.
6. Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Nicolls M.R., Burns N., Kraskauskas D., and Voelkel N.F. Induction of Immune Tolerance Prevents Development of Immune Emphysema in Rats. Keystone Symposia: Tolerance, Autoimmunity and Immune Regulation, Abstract #410, 2006