Find the IT resource that’s right for your research.

The School of Medicine, Office of Regulatory Compliance, and Office of Information Technology designed this website to assist faculty and staff searching for IT computing resources available at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. This website will allow you to compare each technology resource to find the best tools for your research computing needs.

Begin by choosing a technology category (Compute, Share, Storage, Analytics, Collect/Access and Lab Management) in the left-hand column, then select the IT resources you would like to explore. Scroll to the bottom of your screen for a table detailing and comparing your selected results.

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Which service would you like to explore?:

Crunch data in a high-performance environment.

Collaborate and exchange data with colleagues within the University of Colorado system and with other universities and entities.

Store, protect, archive and backup data on the Internet or on campus servers using approved systems.

Gain knowledge and insights from data through reporting, visualization, digital discovery, and statistical analysis strategies.

Gather, organize, standardize, validate, extract, transform and load data.

Standardize, document and secure research laboratory protocols, workflow and data.