Facilitating Performance Reviews in the School of Medicine


PRiSM is an online system to facilitate data collection and ensure faculty performance reviews are comprehensive and standardized across the school. PRiSM allows faculty members to work on their performance reviews throughout the year to track major teaching, research, clinical, and community outreach accomplishments. There are also sections to capture publication, grants, patents, and honors and awards.

All full-time School of Medicine faculty members employed by the University of Colorado are required to complete an annual review within PRiSM. Faculty members receive a CU performance rating during the annual review. All ratings within PRiSM are sent to Human Resources for inclusion in the faculty member’s personnel record.

PRiSM helps facilitate the review process with leadership. Once a faculty member completes their review, they submit it to their manager who will have an opportunity to look over the faculty member’s performance review and make comments. This online facilitation helps augment the required face-to-face annual performance reviews. See the routing diagram for a complete picture of how leadership interacts with the faculty member during the review process. (link to routing diagram here?)

A key benefit to leveraging an online system for annual reviews is that the school can quickly and easily report against this aggregated data (no identifiable individual performance review data is released without following standard HR policies). Faculty now receive less data requests for information like current publications, listings of honors and awards, teaching hour per class setting (classroom, bedside, small group,) and more. A good example of this aggregate reporting is that the school was able to quickly pull valuable information for the 2017 accreditation process directly out of PRiSM, saving faculty and staff time and energy.


If you are a faculty member or administrator of PRiSM for your department, please login to access the system.

PRiSM Demo Site

Because PRiSM contains sensitive personal performance information, we’ve created a PRiSM Demo site that mirrors the real PRiSM system but contains no real performance review data. This PRiSM Demo site is great for faculty and administrators to get an understanding of what is in PRiSM and the overall flow. It highlights the user flow, the questions we ask our faculty, what managers or reviewers see when evaluating faculty in the system, and the faculty dashboard.